As a school we will be recognising and celebrating ‘Fairtrade Fortnight’. The children will be learning about Fairtrade and why it is so important. During wb: 16th September we will be hosting Fairtrade coffee mornings. We invite parents/carers and friends of the school to come along and enjoy some Fairtrade coffee, tea and biscuits.
This is the perfect opportunity to meet your child’s class teachers and other parents and carers from your child's class. There will be no charge for the refreshments but there will be a collection pot to help us cover the cost if you would like to kindly donate.
Our Devonshire Road Ambassadors will also be running a stall selling a selection of Fairtrade products. These items will be shown to the children during assembly on Monday. Please note that school children will not be attending the coffee mornings as we don't have the capacity to fit everyone in the hall but toddlers and babies are more than welcome to come along. We look forward to seeing you for a brew, a chat and a lovely start to our new term.