We are incredibly proud of all of our children, and the progress that children make from their starting points with us is excellent. Below, you will find information about the achievement data from the end of KS2. 

If you have any questions about this data, please contact the senior leadership team via the school office.

End of KS2 Assessment Data (2023-2024) (Unvalidated Data)

Subject Working below the Expected Standard Working at the Expected Standard or higher Working at Greater Depth
Reading 34% 66% 21%
Writing 31% 69% 15%
Maths 23% 77% 34%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 31% 69% 35%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined 37% 63% 10%


Progress (2023-2024)

  Average Progress Measure Score Average Scaled Score
Reading   103.7
Writing   N/A
Maths   105.6
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling   105.6


Please note, there are no progress measures for the academic year 2023-2024.

End of KS2 Assessment Data (2022-2023) (Unvalidated Data)

Subject Working below the Expected Standard Working at the Expected Standard or higher Working at Greater Depth
Reading 22% 78% 38%
Writing 33% 67% 26%
Maths 14% 86% 38%
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling 26% 76% 38%
Reading, Writing and Maths combined 35% 65% 21%

Progress (2022-2023)

  Average Progress Measure Score Average Scaled Score
Reading + 1.4 105.9
Writing + 1.0 N/A
Maths + 2.3 106.6
Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling N/A 105.7

Department for Education League Tables

Our school was last inspected by Ofsted in October 2022. Below is a sample of the inspector's  findings that we are proud of which encapsulates what it is like to attend Devonshire Road Primary School:

Pupils and their parents and carers who spoke with inspectors were complimentary about the school. They told inspectors that everyone is made to feel welcome. Pupils benefit from a wide range of high-quality experiences to enhance their personal development. Staff provide effective support, especially to pupils who are new to the country or have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils are happy. They told inspectors that they enjoy coming to school. They look forward to breaktimes with their friends. Older pupils nurture younger pupils and children in the early years in their role as play leaders. Pupils carry out roles of responsibility with pride. They said that there is always someone to talk to if they have any worries or concerns. Leaders ensure that standards of behaviour are high. Pupils are respectful towards
each other. They follow the school motto of ‘being kind, curious and the best that you can be’. Pupils resolve any fallings-out with their friends amicably. They described how leaders deal with any rare incidents of bullying thoroughly and effectively. This helps pupils to feel safe.
Leaders have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. They provide a high quality curriculum. Pupils and children in the early years achieve well.

Please click here to view the full Ofsted report.

Ofsted Report

Updated: 17/11/2022 448 KB

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